彩虹眷村-Day and Night


从T-Life HOSTEL出发到彩虹眷村需要先在东海别墅站乘坐300-310任何一台到福安站下车,然后步行三分钟左右到另一个站台<安和台湾大道口>乘坐27路公车到嶺東科技大學下車,再步行六分鐘左右就可以到彩虹眷村啦,全程大约需要一个小时,其中27路公车大概需要等20分钟,但是如果你運氣好剛好趕上就不用啦!但是最好還是預留充足的時間喔~

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In contact met mensen in Taichung


Mensen om hulp vragen

In het algemeen kunnen mensen in Taiwan niet zo goed Engels praten, te minste meestal de oudere generaties. Maar ook de jongeren vinden het moeilijk, sommige zijn heel erg vlooiend, maar andere hebben ook moeite. Dit is blijkbaar daarom, omdat op school de grammatica en structuur geleerd wordt, maar het wordt niet gepraat of echt geoefend.

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Slices of Serenity- Part 4 Taichung Park


Staying at T-Life, there are an abundance of activities nearby to occupy your time. Taichung is a bustling city offering many of the amenities of any major city. Sometimes city life can be exhausting, however, and you may find yourself looking for some sweet solace on a patch of green during your stay. This is part one of series that serves as a detailed list of possible destinations along this path

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Slices of Serenity Part 3-Taichung Metropolitan Park

fullsizeoutput_1919Staying at T-Life, there are an abundance of activities nearby to occupy your time. Taichung is a bustling city offering many of the amenities of any major city. Sometimes city life can be exhausting, however, and you may find yourself looking for some sweet solace on a patch of green during your stay. This is part three of a series that serves as a detailed list of possible destinations along this path Continue reading

Slices of Serenity-Part 1-Dongfeng park

Staying at T-Life, there are an abundance of activities nearby to occupy your time. Taichung is a bustling city offering many of the amenities of any major city. Sometimes city life can be exhausting, however, and you may find yourself looking for some sweet solace on a patch of green during your stay. This is part one of series that serves as a detailed list of possible destinations along this path.

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