le musée des Beaux-Arts de Taichung


Situé au cœur de la ville le musée est très facilement accessible, entouré de plusieurs parcs restaurants et cafés, ce musée sera une distraction idéale pour passer une demi-journée ou plus, seul ou en famille. Les différentes salles du musée vous permettront d’apprécier plusieurs types d’arts, locaux ou étrangers modernes ou anciens.

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Théâtre national de Taichung

Un endroit de calme et  surprenant de tranquillité au beau milieu de la ville de Taichung. C’ est un peu par hasard, en cherchant le théâtre national, que j’ ai eu la bonne surprise de traverser différents parcs avant d’atteindre mon but. C’ est en plein centre-ville que je suis allée à la découverte du théâtre national de la ville de Taichung. Continue reading

빙수의괴물 路地 氷の怪物&디자인공방 fit lab


일본에서 친구가왔다. 밤도깨비 여행마냥 새벽에와서 새벽에 떠나야하는 일정으로 왔는데, 대만에있는 이틀동안 하루는 내가있는 타이중 하루는 다른친구가 있는 타이베이에 머무르기로했다. 타이중에있는동안 뭘 할까 생각하다가 친구가 路地 氷の怪物에 가보고 싶다고하는거 아닌가. Continue reading

Dadun Cultural Center

Taichung is home to many creative spaces, centers, and public art. The Dadun Cultural Center is open to the public and features a variety of creative spaces including galleries and exhibitions rooms, a public library, classrooms, a cinema, performance halls….the list goes on. Because it is free to attend and hosts interesting events as well as art collections, it’s another great way to interact with art and other cultural activities in Taichung.

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National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts


There is a lot to see at the National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts and with two major exhibitions currently on display, it’s a perfect time to go. The museum is (and its exhibitions) free and open to the public. Located off of the intriguing Calligraphy Greenway, it makes for a perfect cultural and artistic afternoon in Taichung City.

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Taichung International Dance Parade & Festival

This weekend marks the start of the 2018 Taichung International Dance Parade and Festival.

This is the third year that the festival is taking place and it has been a popular celebration to attend for citizens of countries around the world.The streets of Taichung are flooded with performances focusing on promoting Taichung to international travelers.

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彩虹眷村-Day and Night


从T-Life HOSTEL出发到彩虹眷村需要先在东海别墅站乘坐300-310任何一台到福安站下车,然后步行三分钟左右到另一个站台<安和台湾大道口>乘坐27路公车到嶺東科技大學下車,再步行六分鐘左右就可以到彩虹眷村啦,全程大约需要一个小时,其中27路公车大概需要等20分钟,但是如果你運氣好剛好趕上就不用啦!但是最好還是預留充足的時間喔~

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